Friday, September 11, 2009

Ah, school!!!

The first day of school tears me two ways. It is the realization that summer is actually over. . .no more day trips to the beach. It is also the realization that summer is over. . .kids are out of the house again. I LOVE having my kids home with me. Ash is my helper. She helps clean, loves to babysit Garrett while I cook or clean. She is my mini-me. Matt has grown up this summer tremendously. He has become a big helper too and loves to help clean. But, they are all still brothers and sister. They still bicker. So, having 2 gone every day this year isn't such a terrible thing. Ben and I have been bonding so much. After dropping Matt off at preschool, Ben, Garrett and I come home. Garrett goes down for his morning nap and Ben and I hang out. I have also been able to get some errands done pretty fast in the mornings which helps. I also have time to keep up with my blog. hehe. Then, I have the afternoon to get dinner going, and help Ash with homework.