Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!

We officially found out today that we are having a GIRL!!! YAY!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ash's New Hair

I was playing with Ashleigh's hair last week, and ended up braiding her entire head. We took it out the next morning and she LOVED the look. She decided that she wanted it for school the following Monday. So, Saturday night, I spent 2 hours braiding her entire head. She left it in all weekend. Then, Monday morning, she decided that she wanted it in longer 'JUST IN CASE'. So, she left it until Tuesday. Here is the braided head, and the finished product.


We chose the Wizard of Oz as our theme this year. I was the witch (at the church party, I painted my face, but not for trick-or-treating). Ash was Dorothy with a dress made by grandma Rockwell, Matt and Ben traded between the scarecrow and the tinman, and Garrett was the lion. Aaron was supposed to be the wizard, but it didn't really work out. We were cute anyways.

We went trick-or-treating with Mandy's kids. . .becoming a tradition. We all had a LOT of fun, and enjoye
d pounds of candy. We still haven't finished ours more than a week later. We use it to bribe the kids. hehe.